Sunday, February 28, 2010


On Friday Admission Possible had another one of their themed parties, this time fancy dress. So we delivered!

Ms Carroll, looking resplendent in her satiny purple dress

Myself, bedecked for heading out doors on a frosty Winter's night.

Once in the party, the coat, hat and gloves come off and the debonaire interior of my wardrobe can be seen.
And yes, we do have a lot of fun dressing up :)

Until next time...

"Their costumes, as to architecture, were the latest fashion intensified; they were rainbow-hued; they were hung with jewels--chiefly diamonds. It would have been plain to any eye that it had cost something to upholster these women."
- The Gilded Age by Mark Twain


Unknown said...

You guys look sharp. I think I recognize a few of the clothes that Max is wearing. Very nice. Hans has been accepted to Temple, Brown, and Columbia. We're still waiting for a few more. I'm mending well since my surgery. Dad

Rachel Teagle said...

You so fancy!